Functional Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas

Functional Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas - Adel K. Afifi, Bergman R.A

Functional Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas
Functional Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas - Adel K. Afifi, Bergman R.A
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ISBN: 0-07-001589-0

Автор: Adel K. Afifi, Bergman R.A

Издательство: Area XVII, Россия

Артикул: 107005

Год издания: 1998 , страниц: 730

Формат: 21.0 x 28.0, вес: 1.520 кг

Functional Neuroanatomy: Text and AtlasFunctional Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas
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Afifi and Bergman's Functional Neuroanatomy provides the principles of neuroanatomy that you'll find in a core textbook along with a bounty of superb illustrations typically found in a stand-alone atlas. Together, text and illustrations are seamlessly integrated in a presentation that links basic scientific principles with their clinical correlations in vivid detail. Highlights include: over 380 images including line illustrations, radiographs in all modalities, and clinical photographs; atlas views of cross sectional anatomy of the brain and brain stem, Yakovlev brain sections in three planes, spinal cord, and brain stem coronal sections, and MR images in three planes; unique chapters describe the clinical functional relevance of key neuroanatomical structures including spinal cord, central nervous system, and basal ganglia; Key Concepts identified and organized within each chapter for quick review; Margin Notes define new terms for rapid mastery of the vocabulary; and suggested readings at the end of each chapter provide a gateway to further study. Get the benefit of two books - a text and an atlas - in this one easy-to-use, convenient resource. Review the functional importance of neuroanatomy in the presentation of disease states and take a visual tour that makes the subject unmistakably clear.

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